Make sparkling kombucha at home the way you like it

This isn't just any old kombucha.
A very clever innovation that was over 12 months in the making, this is the world's first Certified Organic Shelf-stable Kombucha Concentrate.

The finest organic green and black teas are traditionally hand brewed over 45 days.

It's comparatively high probiotic content of over 500 million live probiotics per serve, promotes a healthy gut that contributes to many other aspects of healthy living.

Contains one of the lowest amounts of sugar on the market with less than 1g sugar per serve.

We've used a rare and very old Kombucha culture that has a resilient constitution. They like living in a concentrated format which means when we apply other innovation we have a product that does not need to be refrigerated until after you've opened it, meaning that not only are there no nasty preservatives it's all organic too.
It's almost zero sugar, and contains over 500 million live probiotics (the good-guys) per serve - around 2 times more than standard purchased Kombuchas.
So now you can make their own top notch Kombucha at home, by just adding sparkling water. Think of all the money, not to mention single-use bottles saved.